7 Small Ways to Save the Planet!
Alright, maybe there won’t “save the planet” but they are great ways to make large steps in that direction. I always try to find ways to live more sustainably & figured I’d share for those who don’t know where to start. Its really the little things that can make such a great impact, especially if others are doing the same!
For example, the slogan for the Skip the Straw campaign, “Its just one straw – said 8 billion people”. This is a major statement but it needs to be expanded past just straws! This is also done with plastic grocery bags, with produce wrapped in plastic, floss, plastic containers, etc.
Hundreds of these small items are used throughout billions of individuals lifetime and most people will never see the impact of this abundance of trash. For now, I’ll stop this rant before I get ahead of myself and share with you some extremely easy ways you can live a more eco-friendly life as well.
7 easy tips to save our planet – that you can start right now!
1. Reusable water bottles
Anyone who knows me and does not have one by now hears me say this all the time. It’s one of the very few things that I’ll say something about, but only because it’s so easy! Did you know that only about 10% of ALL plastic water bottles in the world get recycled???… So, no matter if you are buying a plastic water bottle to recycle later, it really isn’t much better. Therefore reuse before you have to recycle.
2. Reusable grocery bags
They are so easy to forget but over time you’ll realize just how many plastic bags your saving. If you do forget reusable bags don’t forget to ask for a paper bag! They are not much better, but anything we can do to reduce plastic is a win!
Also, you can bring old jars to reuse at the grocery! This is very useful if you ever buy nuts, grains, or seasonings in bulk.
3. Bring/reuse your own cutlery
This is something I still forget from time to time but in all, it really cuts down on the single-use plastic. If you think about how many times you use a plastic fork or spoon for just a bite. Then to think about all the people that use these utensils, it adds up quickly. Bringing your own is a large step in cutting down those numbers
Above is the set I have! It is great for traveling :).
4. Skip the plastic wrap and make/buy reusable food wraps
Reusable beeswax wraps are my new favorite item to use in the kitchen! They are a cloth that is coated in beeswax which you can use for cheese, veggies and other leftovers instead of a plastic wrap.
Below is a link to step by step tutorial on how to make you own!
or if that’s too much work for you, you can purchase some here!
5. Go Vegan for a day!
There are still many that are not aware of the negative environmental impacts that have been created due to our agricultural industry. In addition, to how many chemicals that are carcinogenic added to processed food.
I know a lot of people may look at this and roll their eyes, but if people were to attempt it for just a day, it can help. Going vegan for one day can save around 45 pounds of grain, 1000 gallons of water, and up to 30 square feet of forestry! That’s insane. Maybe it’s one day a week or a month, but either way, it’s a great effort!
You can learn more here.
Also here are some of my favorite vegan cookbooks!
6. Ecosia
This is probably one of the easiest things you can do! All you have to do is set it up once and boom before you know it you will have planted hundreds of trees! Ecosia is an organization that I discovered over a year ago and since I have “planted” over 1,000 trees. It is a search engine just like google but the profit created by ads is used to plant trees all around the world! They even post their monthly financial statements to share where all their money goes. If there is at least one business that will save our planet, its Ecosia. Below is the link to their website if you’re interested in learning more!
So click the link and start planting some trees!
7. The 3 R’s
I feel like so many individuals forget about the reduce, reuse & recycle and only focus towards the last R. It is important to remember all 3 R’s makes a big difference in items like single-use plastics and other non-biodegradable items.
There are many other ways to be more sustainable in your everyday life but I think these are extremely easy ways that anyone could implant into their daily routine :).