
Exploring Anemones of the Sea!

What a special find! Sea anemones are a soft body organism known for a mighty sting! Yet, some fish are able to live within this anemone.

Anemonefish or better known as clownfish are fish in the video below. This is such a special find because this fish and anemone pair is quite rare and their relationship is complex.

Have you heard of the movie, “Finding Nemo”? Yeah, that one. Now imagine how many loved that movie (even myself) and how many of those individuals were kids that would now want a “Nemo” in their own aquarium? Unfortunately, a lot….

This drove a huge demand for clownfish all over the world and the majority of the supply came from the wild :(. Due to this, the wild population has greatly suffered. At Atoll Marine Centre and many other conservation organizations in the Maldives, we work to conserve these fish. The project’s goal is to create a sustainable source of clownfish for the aquarium trade and to replenish local populations.

In these videos specifically, you can see the Maldivian clownfish. These fish are endemic or only naturally found in this region. Another reason we strive to protect these guys and their anemones!

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